Ph.D. in Economics, University of Rochester ,1977,
Ph.D. thesis On the Problems of Uniqueness |
MA, Tokyo University ,1972 |
BA, Tokyo University ,1970 |
Academic Appointments
Specially Appointed Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in the Social Sciences, Kobe University, April 2013- |
Member of the Japan Academy, December 2012- |
External Professor, Santa Fe Institute, July 2008- |
Faculty Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry, November 2010- |
Director, International Research Unit of Integrated Complex System Science, April 2010-March 2013 |
Specially Appointed Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University, April 2010- |
External Professor, Santa Fe Institute, July 2008- |
Director, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto
University, 2006-2010 |
Board of Governor, Institute for Complex Adaptive matter (ICAM), 2004- |
Visiting Professor, University of Paris, September
2000-August 2001 |
Visiting Professor, University of Marseille, September
2000-August 2001 |
Visiting Fellow, Department of Business, University
of Wien, May 1997 |
Visiting Fellow, Department of Economics, Cornell
University, May 1996 |
Visiting Fellow, Department of Economics, The Faculties,
Australian National University, 1990 from March to May |
Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto
University, 1987-2010 |
Professional Organizations
■International Society for Education |
President, 2006- |
■The Econometric Society |
Council Member, 1994-2000 |
Fellow, 1992- |
Standing Committee Member of the Far Eastern Meeting,
1987-1993, 1994- |
Member of Local Organizing Committee of the 7th World
Congress, 1994-1995 |
Program Chairman of the 1989 Far Eastern Meeting, 1987-1989 |
Member of the Program Committee of the Far Eastern Meeting,
1987, 93, 97, 99, 2000 |
■The Japanese Economic Association |
President, 2000-2001 |
Vice-President, 1999-2000 |
Editor in Chief, 1998-2000 |
Executive Committee Member, 1989-1992, 1994-1998 |
Council Member, 1987-1992 |
of Complex Adaptive Matters (ICAM) |
A Member of National Board of Governors, 2005- |
Honors and Awards
■Member of the Japan Academy, December, 2012 |
■The Medal with Purple Ribbon, November, 2012 |
■Kyoto Newspaper Grand Award in Academics, November, 2010 |
Award to pioneering works on Nonlinear Economic Dynamics |
■Honorary Degree of Doctor, University of Aix- Marseilles U, November,2007 |
■Publication Prize, Japan Mathematical Society, 2005 |
Awarded to “Bunsu no Dekinai Daigakusei”,
Toyokeizai Shinposha, 1999, for contributing to promote the importance
of mathematics among subjects taught at schools. |
■Peter Conivear Prize, University of Rochester, 1975 |
Award for the best second year paper
presented to the department during 1974-1975 |
■Norman M. Kaplan Prize, University of Rochester, 1974 |
Award to the Ph.D. candidate who, having
completed two years of full time graduated study in the department of
Economics, has given evidence of excellent scholarship through his performance
in graduate courses. |
Major Research Projects
of Excellence on the Studies of Complex Economic Systems,
1997-2003 |
The research grant was funded by the Ministry of Education
and Science of Japan. Five year grant awarded to the research group that
has made prominent research and gained international recognition. Executive Committee Member, 1989-1992, 1994-1998 |
Press Reports |
October 9, 1997 Yomiuri Newspaper |
■21st Century COE Program “Interfaces
for Advanced Economic Analysis”, 2003-2008 |
The research grant was funded by the
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
has made prominent research. |
■Institute of Complex Adaptive Matters
(ICAM) Kyoto Branch |
Department of Physics T and Institute
of Economic Research have become a Kyoto Branch of ICAM which is a Muticampus
Research Program of the University of California. |
Editorial Collaborations
2015- |
Neuroscience Communications, Smart Science & Technology, Member of Editorial Board |
2004- |
2006 |
Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications, Research India Publications, Member of Editorial Board |
1998- |
Advances of Mathematical Economics, Springer-Verlag, Member of Editorial Board |
August 2013- |
Annals of Financial Economics, World Scientific, Member of the Advisory Board |
February 2012- |
Brazilian Journal of Business Economics, Catholic University of Brasilia, Member of Advisory Board |
1990-1995 |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Pergamon Press, Member of Editorial Board |
1992-1995 |
Economic Studies Quarterly, Japan Association of Economics and Econometrics, Co-Editor |
1990-2000 |
Economic Theory, Member of Editorial Board |
2006- |
International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Nova Science Publishers, Member of Editorial Board |
1997 |
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Gordon and Breach Publishers, Member of Editorial Board |
2003- |
Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, Member of Editorial Board |
2015− |
Journal of Informatics and Data Mining, Insight Medical Publishing、Member of Editorial Board |
2015− |
Journal of Health & Medical Economics, Insight Medical Publishing、Member of Editorial Board |
2015− |
Journal of Integrated Creative Studies, Kyoto University, Member of Editorial Board |
2012 |
Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, Lifescience Global, Member of Editorial Board |
August 2013 |
Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Member of the Advisory Board |
1997 |
Journal of Economic Development, Chung Ang University, Member of Editorial Board |
1998-2000 |
Japanese Economic Review, Basil Blackwell, Co-Editor 1995-1997, Editor in Chef |
1990-1995 |
Journal of Economic Surveys, Basil Blackwell, Member of Advisory Board |
1995-2001 |
Journal of Population Economics, Springer-Verlag, Member of Editorial Board |
1993-1997 |
Mathematical Social Sciences, North-Holland, Member of Editorial Board |
2003- |
Pacific Economic Review, Wiley-Blackwell, Member of Editorial Board |
1997- |
Review of International Economics, Wiley Blackwell, Member of Editorial Board |
1991-1997 |
Ricerche Economiche, Academic Press, Member of Editorial Board |
1996- |
Seoul Journal of Economics, Seoul University, Member of Editorial Board |
1995 |
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, MIT Press, Member of Editorial Board |
April 2011- |
Theoretical Economics Letters, Scientific Research Publishing, Member of the Editorial Board |
International Conferences Organized
■International Conference on Difference
Equations and Applications, July 24-28, 2006 (京都) |
This is the joint meeting of Mathematical Society
of Japan and International Society of Difference Equations. Total
150 participants include well-known mathematicians such as James
Yorke, Martin Golubitky and John Mallet-Paret. |
■Kyoto Workshop on Chaos and Complexity,
October 5, 2005 (Kyoto) |
David Pines, Akito Arima, Makoto Yao. Workshop to
celebrate the establishment of ICAM/Kyoto branch. |
■Intertemporal Equilibria, Aggregation
and Sunspots: in honor of Jean Michel Grandmont, October 30-31, 2005
(Lisbon) |
Guy Laroque, Jacques Dreze, Herakles Polemarchakis,
Alain Venditti, Teresa Lloyd Braga, and others. |
■2nd International Conference on Economic
Theory, December 17 and 18, 2004 (Kyoto) |
Marcus Berliant, Jean-Michel Grandmont, Andy McLennan,
Roger Farmer, Co-Editors of International Jornal of Economic Theory. |
■International Conference on Economic
Theory, March 22 and 23, 2004 (Tokyo) |
Anjan Mukherji, Andy McLennan, Partha Sen and others.
To celebrate the start of the new journal, International Journal
of Economic Theory. |
■International Conference on Trade,
Growth and General Equilibrium, February 2-4, 2004, (Kyoto) |
Lionel McKenzie, Ronald Jones, Murray Kemp, Ali
Khan and others. |
Press Report |
February 4, 2004 Mainichi Newspaper |
February 4, 2004 Kyoto Newspaper |
■Interdisciplinary Symposium on the
Sciences of Complexity, June 23-24, 2001 (Tokyo) |
Christof Koch (Brain and Consciousness), David Pines
(Physics), Yoshisuke Ueda (Chaos) and others. |
■Endogenous Growth in Asia: Theory and
Evidence, February 19-20, 2000 (Kyoto) |
Choong Yong Ahn, Sheng-Cheng Hu, Eden Yu, Been-Lon
Chen, Danyang Xie and others. |
■Intertemporal Equilibrium Theory: Stability,
Bifurcations and Indeterminacy, June 26-28, 1998 (Tokyo) |
Aloisio Araujo, Jose Scheinkman, Karl Shell, Michele
Boldrin, Gerhard Sorger and others. |
■Lesson from Economic Growth in East
Asia, March 18 and 19, 1997 (Kyoto) |
Kausik Basu, Mukul Majumdar, Tapan Mitra, Henry
Wan and others. A joint conference with Cornel University. |