ed. by Robert Becker and Edwin Burmeister, Edgar Elgar, 1991 |
E "Competitive
Equilibrium Cycles," (with J. Benhabib), Journal of
Economic Theory, Vol.35, pp. 284-306, 1985 |
E "A Complete
Characterization of Optimal Growth Paths in an Aggregated Model
with a Non-Concave Production Function," (with D. Dechert),
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.31, pp. 332-354, 1983 |
E "Stability
of Equilibrium in Dynamic Models of Capital Theory," (with
J. Benhabib), International Economic Review, Vol.22, No.2, pp. 275-293, 1981 |
E "The Hopf
Bifurcation and the Existence and the Stability of Closed Orbits
in Multi-Sector Models of Economic Growth," (with J. Benhabib),
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.21, pp. 421-444, December 1979 |
ed. by Marc Jarsulic, Edgar Elgar,1993 |
E "Competitive
Equilibrium Cycles," (with J. Benhabib), Journal of
Economic Theory, Vol.35, pp. 284-306, 1985 |
E "The Hopf
Bifurcation and the Existence and the Stability of Closed Orbits
in Multi-Sector Models of Economic Growth," (with J. Benhabib),
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.21, pp. 421-444, December 1979 |
CHAOS IN ECONOMIC EQUILIBRIUM, ed. by Jess Benhabib Princeton
University Press, 1992 |
E "The Hopf
Bifurcation and the Existence and Stability of Closed Orbits
in Multisector Models of Optimal Economic Growth", (with
J. Benhabib), Journal of Economic Theory 21, pp. 41-44, 1979 |
₯ "Stochastic
Equilibrium Oscillation", (with J. Benhabib), International
Economic Review 30, pp. 85-101, 1985 |
AND CHAOS, ed. by Mukul Majumdar, Tapan Mitra and Kazuo
Nishimura, Springer, 2000 |
E "Nonlinear
Dynamics and Optimal Chaos in Growth: A Constructive Exposition",
(with M. Yano), revised version of the paper published in Econometrica , 63, 1995 |
₯ "Optimal
Chaos, Nonlinearity and Feasibility Conditions," (with M.
Yano), Economic Theory, 4, pp. 689-704, 1994 |
E "Ergodic
Chaos in Optimal Growth Models with Low Discount Rates," (with
G. Sorger and M. Yano), Economic Theory, 4, 1994 |
E "On the
Least Upper Bound of Discount Factors that are Compatible with
Optimal Period-Three Cycles," (with M. Yano), Journal
of Economic Theory, 69, 1996 |
SETS, ed. by M. Kemp, Academic Press,1982 |
"On the Shape
of the Single-Country and World Commodity-Substitution and Factor-Substitution
Under Conditions of Joint Production," (with Murray Kemp
et.al.), Journal of International Economics, Vol.10, pp. 395-404, 1980 |
Special Issues of Journals I Edited
2016 |
Market Quality, Trade and Dynamics: A Special Issue in Honor of Makoto Yano, (with Ronald Jones and Mukul Majumdar), International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.11, Issue 1, Wiley |
2014 |
Special Issue: Trade and Trade Policy Special Issue in Honor of Bill Ethier, (with Henrick Horn and Makoto Yano), International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.10, Issue 1, Wiley |
2013 |
Macroeconomic Dynamics and Its Micro Foundation: A Special Issue in Honor of Cuong Le Van, (with Myrna Wooders and Makoto Yano), International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.9, Issue 1, Wiley |
2012 |
The Legacy of Lionel W. McKenzie: Special Issue 2, (with Ronald Jones and Makoto Yano), International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.8, Issue 2, Wiley |
2012 |
The Legacy of Lionel W. McKenzie: Special Issue 1, (with Ronald Jones and Makoto Yano), International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.8, Issue 1, Wiley |
2011 |
Special Issue for the 2011 APJAE Symposium on Dynamic System and World Trade, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol.18, Issue No.3, Taylor & Francis |
2011 |
A Special Issue on Game Theory and Industrial Organization in Honor of James Friedman, (with Gary Biglaiser, Akira Okada and Makoto Yano), International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.7, Issue 1, Wiley |
2010 |
A Special Issue on Growth, Sustainability and Equilibria in Honor of Tapan Mitra, (with Kaushik Basu and Mukul Majumdar), International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.6, Issue 1, Wiley |
2009 |
A Special Issue on Macroeconomic Dynamics in Honor of Jess Benhabib, (with Roger Farmer), International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.5, Issue 1, Wiley |
2008 |
A Special Issue on Social Welfare, Market Equilibrium and Stability in Honor of Professor Takashi Negishi, (with Jean-Michel Grandmont and Makoto Yano), International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.4, Issue 2, Blackwell |
2008 |
Special Issue on Nonlinear Macroeconomic Dynamics, (with Makoto Yano), International Journal of Economic Theory, Blackwell |
2006 |
Special Issue on Instability
and Fluctuations in Intertemporal Equilibrium Model, (with
Cuong Le Van, Tapan Mitra and Alain Venditti), Journal
of Mathematical Economics, Springer |
2006 |
The Symposium Issue in Honor
of Mukul Majumdar, (with Charalambos D. Aliprantis, Tapan Mitra
and Roy Radner), Economic Theory, Springer |
2006 |
Special Issue on Intertemporal
Equilibria, Aggregation and Sunspots in Honor of Jean Michel
Grandmont, (with Makoto Yano), International Journal of
Economic Theory, Blackwell |
2006 |
Symposium on Trade and Growth,
(with Makoto Yano), Japanese Economic Review, Blackwell |
2004 |
Special Issue on Discrete-Time
Dynamics in Economics, (with Makoto Yano), Journal of Difference
Equations and Applications, Taylor & Francis |
2001 |
Symposium on Intertemporal
Equilibrium Theory: Indeterminacy, Bifurcations and Stability,
(with Tapan Mitra), Journal of Economic Theory, Academic Press |
1999 |
Symposium on Intertemporal Equilibrium Theory and Nonlinear Dynamics, (with Harutaka Takahashi), The Japanese Economic Review, Blackwell |
2008 |
Equilibrium, Trade, and Growth; selected Papers of Lionel W. McKenzie, iedited with Tapan Mitraj, MIT Press |
2006 |
Handbook on Optimal Growth
- 1 Discrete Time, iedited with Rose-Anne Dana, Cuong
Le Van, Tapan Mitraj, Springer |
2000 |
Optimization and Chaos, iwith
Majumdar and Mitraj, Springer |
Academic Papers
‘“Public spending as a source of endogenous business cycles in a Ramsey model with many agents,” (with Carine Nourry, Thomas Seegmuller and Alain Venditti) |
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20, 2016, 504-524. Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/S1365100514000078 |
‘“Individual Differences in Mental Imagery Tasks: A Study of Visual Thinkers and Verbal Thinkers,” (with Takaaki Aoki, Michiyo Inagawa, Yoshikazu Tobinaga, and Sunao Iwaki) |
Neuroscience Communications, Vol 2 (2016). doi:10.14800/nc.1126 open access, http://www.smartscitech.com/index.php/nc |
‘“Introduction to financial frictions and debt constraints,” (with Raouf Boucekkine and Alain Venditti) |
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 61, Issue C, 2015, 271-275. |
‘“Fiscal policy, debt constraint and expectations-driven volatility,” (with Thomas Seegmuller and Alain Venditti) |
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 61(December), 2015, 305-316. |
‘“Discrete dynamics in a two-country model with a durable good,” (with Kazumichi Iwasa) |
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol. 21, No. 12, 2015, Taylor & Francis, 1305-1314. DOI:10.1080/10236198.2015.1071805 |
‘“Brain Activities of Visual Thinkers and Verbal Thinkers: A MEG Study,” (with Takaaki Aoki, Michiyo Inagawa, Yoshikazu Tobinaga, and Sunao Iwaki) |
Neuroscience Letters,Volume 594, 6 May 2015, Pages 155-160. DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2015.03.043 |
‘“Indeterminacy and sunspots in two-sector RBC models with generalized no-income-effect preferences,” (with Frédéric Dufourt and Alain Venditti) |
Journal of Economic Theory,57, pp. 1056-1080, 2015. |
‘“On the (de)stabilizing effect of public debtin a Ramsey model with heterogeneous agents,” (with Carine Nourry, Thomas Seegmuller, and Alain Venditti) |
International Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 11, No 1, 2015, 7-24. |
‘“Sunspot fluctuations in two-sector models with variable income effects,” (with Frédéric Dufourt and Alain Venditti) |
Sunspots and Non-Linear Dynamics: Essays in honor of Jean-Michel Grandmont, edited by Nishimura, Venditti and Yannelis, Springer Verlag. |
‘“A functional MRI study on thought suppression,” (with Takashi Kiyonaka, Toshihiko Aso, Takaaki Aoki, Michiyo Inagawa, Yoshikazu Tobinaga, and Hidenao Fukuyama) |
Poster Session, ASSC18(Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness Conference,July 16-19,University of Queensland,Brisbane,Australia. |
‘“On the Convergence of Optimal Solutions in Infinite Horizon Discrete Time Models,” (with Takaaki Aoki) |
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 20, Issue 5-6, 2014, 875-882. DOI:10.1080/10236198.2013.829054 |
‘“Dynamic two-country Heckscher—Ohlin model with externality,” (with Kazumichi Iwasa) |
International Journal of Economic Theory, 10, Issue 1, pages 53-74, March 2014. DOI: 10.1111/ijet.12027 |
‘“Destabilization Effect of International Trade in a Perfect Foresight Dynamic General Equilibrium Model,” (with Alain Venditti and Makoto Yano) |
Economic Theory, 55, pp. 357-392, 2014
(FirstView Articles : doi:10.1007/s00199-013-0758-y) |
‘“Public Spending as a Source of Endogenous Business Cycles in a Ramsey Model with Many Agents,” (with Carine Nourry, Thomas Seegmuller and Alain Venditti) |
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 21 pages. Published online: 23 April 2014. First View Article, Cambridge University Press 2014 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1365100514000078 (About DOI)
‘“Grasping a Concept as an Image or as a Word — A Categorical Formulation of Visual and Verbal Thinking Processes,” (with Goro C. Kato) |
Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 2, No2,682-691, 2013. http://www.sciencedomain.org/issue.php?iid=250&id=22 |
‘“Ceasing Thoughts and Brain Activity: MEG Data Analysis,” (with Takaaki Aoki, Michiyo Inagawa and Yoshikazu Tobinaga) |
Functional Brain Mapping and the Endeavor to Understand The Working Brain, ed. by Francesco Signorelli and Domenico Chirchiglia, pp. 267-278, INTEC, New York, 2013 |
‘“Destabilizing Balanced-Budget Consumption Taxes in Multi-Sector Economies,” (with Carine Nourry, Thomas Seegmuller and Alain Venditti) |
International Journal of Economic Theory, 9, pp. 113-130, 2013 |
‘“Local Indeterminacy in Continuous-time Models: the Role of Returns to Scale,” (with Jean-Philippe Garnier and Alain Venditti) |
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 17, pp. 326-335, doi:10.1017/S1365100511000137, 2013
‘“Poverty Trap and Inferior Goods in a Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin Model,” (with Eric Bond and Kazumichi Iwasa) |
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 17, pp. 1227-1251, 2013
(FirstView Articles : pp. 1-25, doi:10.1017/S136510051200003X) |
‘“The Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin Model: A Diagrammatic Analysis,” (with Eric W. Bond and Kazumichi Iwasa) |
International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.8(2), pp. 197-211, June 2012. DOI: 10.1111/j.1742-7363.2012.00186.x |
‘“Family Expansion and Capital Accumulation of a Dynasty,” (with Lakshmi K. Raut) |
Journal of Microeconomics, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 107-124, January-June, 2012 |
‘“Monotonicity and continuity of the critical capital stock in the Dechert–Nishimura model,” (with Ken-Ichi Akao, Takashi Kamihigashi) |
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 47, pp. 677–682, 2011 |
‘“A Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin Model and Inferior Goods,” (with Eric W. Bond and Kazumichi Iwasa) |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol.18 (3), pp. 217- 236, December 2011 |
‘“Multiple Equilibria in a Dynamic Two Country Model,” (with Kazumichi Iwasa) |
Dimensions of Eocnomic Theory and Policy: Essays for Anajan Mukherji, ed. by Krishnendu Ghosh Destidar, Hiranya Mukhopadhyay and Uday Bhanu Sinha, pp. 68-82, Oxford University Press, 2011 |
‘“The Effects of Home Bias in a Model of Endogenous Growth,” (with Eric W. Bond and Kazumichi Iwasa) |
International Journal of Development and Conflict, Vol.1 (3), pp. 339-354, 2011 |
‘“A Dynamic Two country Heckscher- Ohlin model with Non-homothetic Preferences,” (with Eric Bond and Kazumichi Iwasa) |
Economic Theory, 48, pp. 171-204, 2011 |
‘“Ability to Stop Thinking and Strategy Choice in Dilemma Games,” (with Akira Okada, and Yoshikazu Tobinaga) |
International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.7 (1) March, 2011. |
‘“Multiple equilibria in two-sector monetary economies: an interplay between preferences and the timing for money,” (with Stefano Bosi and Alain Venditti) |
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol.46(6), pp. 997-1014, November 2010 |
‘“Perfect Simulation of Stationary Equilibria,” (with John Stachurski) |
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, Vol.34(4), pp. 577-584, April 2010 |
‘“Expectation-driven fluctuations and welfare loss under free trade in two-country models,” (with Alain Venditti and Makoto Yano) |
International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.6(1), pp. 97-125, March 2010 |
‘“Indeterminacy and expectation-driven fluctuations with non-separable preferences,” (with Alain Venditti) |
Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol.60, pp. 46-56, 2010 |
‘“On geometric ergodicity of the commodity pricing model,” (with John Stachurski) |
International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.5(3), pp. 293-300, 2009 |
‘“Indeterminacy and business-cycle fluctuations in a two-sector monetary economy with externalities,” (with Stefano Bosi and Alain Venditti) |
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol.15, pp. 1085-1096, 2009 |
‘“Global Externalities, Endogenous Growth and Sunspot Fluctuations,” (with Harutaka Takahashi and Alain Venditti) |
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, 53, pp. 203-214, Mathematical Society Japan, 2009 |
‘“Indeterminacy in Aggregate Models with Small Externalities: An Interplay between Preferences and Technology,” (with Carine Nourry and Alain Venditti) |
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol.10, pp. 279-298, 2009 |
‘“Optimal growth and competitive equilbrium business cycles under decreasing returns in two-country models,” (with Alain Venditti and Makoto Yano) |
Review of International Economics, Vol.17(2), pp. 371-391, 2009 |
‘“A homoclinic bifurcation and global indeterminacy of equilibrium in a two-sector endogenous growth model,” (with Paolo Mattana and Tadashi Shigoka) |
International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.5, pp. 25-47, 2009 |
‘gEquilibrium Storage with Multiple Commodities,” (with John Stachurski) |
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol.45, pp. 80-96, 2009 |
‘“Specific Factor Models and Dynamics in International Trade,” (with Yunfang Hu and Koji Shimomura) |
Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Trade Theory and Policy (ed. by Sugata Marjit and Eden Yu, Elsevier), Vol.4, pp. 191-207, Elsevier, 2008 |
‘“Characterization of Equilibrium Paths in a Two-Sector Economy with CES Production Functions and Sector-Specific Externality,” (with Miki Matsuo, Tomoya Sakagami, and Alain Venditti) |
International Trade and Economic Dynamics, ed. by Kamihigashi and Laixun Zhao, pp. 421-431, Springer, 2008 |
‘“Bifurcation and Sunspots in the Continuous Time Equilibrium Model with Capacity Utilization,” (with Jess Benhabib and Tadashi Shigoka) |
International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.4(2), pp. 337-355, 2008 |
‘“Detection of Neural Activity Associated with Thinking in Frontal Lobe by Magnetoencephalograpy,” (with Yoshikazu Tobinaga and Mitsuo Tonoike) |
Progress of Theoretical Physics, Supplement Number 173, pp. 332-341, 2008 |
‘“Equilibrium dynamics in
discrete-time endogenous growth models with social constant
returns” (with Kazuo Mino, Koji Shimomura and Ping Wang) |
Economic Theory, Vol.34, pp. 1-23, 2008 |
‘“A two-country dynamic model of international trade and endogenous growth: Multiple balanced growth paths and stability” (with Junko Doi and Koji Shimomura) |
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol.43(3-4), pp. 390-419, 2007 |
‘“Indeterminacy in discrete-time infinite- horizon models with nonlinear utility and endogenous labor” (with Alain Venditti) |
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol.43(3-4), pp. 446-476, 2007 |
‘“School Choice and the Intergenerational Poverty Trap” (with Lakshmi K. Raut) |
Review of Development Economics, Vol.11(2), pp. 412-420, 2007 |
‘“Stochastic Optimal Policies when the Discount Rate Banishes” (with John Stachurski) |
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol.31(4), pp. 1416-1430, 2007 |
‘“Stochastic Optimal Growth with Nonconvexities” (with Ryszard Rudnicki and John Stachurski) |
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol.42(1), pp. 74-96, 2006 |
‘“Endogenous Fluctuations in Two-Sector Models: the Role of Preferences” (with Harutaka Takahashi and Alain Venditti) |
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol.128, No. 2, pp. 309-331, 2006 |
‘“Dynamic Three-Factor
Models of International Trade” (with Yunfang Hu and Koji
Shimomura) |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol.13, No.2, pp. 73-85, 2006 |
‘“Sunspots and Hopf bifurcations
in continuous time endogenous growth models” (with Tadashi
Shigoka) |
International Journal
of Economic Theory, Vol.2, pp. 199-216, 2006 |
‘“Endogenous fluctuations
in two-country models” (with Alain Venditti and Makoto Yano) |
The Japanese Economic
Vol.57, pp. 516-532, 2006 |
‘“Duality with Sector-Specific
Externalities Under Social Constant Returns” (with Koji Shimomura
and Ping Wang) |
The Japanese Economic
Vol.57, pp. 467-475, 2006 |
‘“Parentsf Educational Background,
Subjects “Good-At” in Schools affect Income: an Empirical
Study” (with Junichi Hirata, Junko Urasaka and Tadashi Yagi) |
The Japanese Economic
Vol.57, pp. 533-546, 2006 |
‘“Intertemporally Dependent
Preferences and Optimal Dynamic Behavior” (with Tapan Mitra) |
International Journal
of Economic Theory, Vol.2, pp. 77-104, 2006 |
‘“Indeterminacy in a dynamic
two-country model” (with Koji Shimomura) |
Theory, Vol.29(2), pp. 307-324, 2006 |
‘“Indeterminacy in Continuous-Time
Two-Sector Models: An Exposition” (with Alain Venditti) |
Keio Economic Studies, 42
(1-2), pp. 73-81, 2005 |
‘“Production Externalities
and Local Dynamics in Discrete-time Multi-sector Growth Models
with General Production Technologies” (with Koji Shimomura
and Ping Wang) |
International Journal of Economic Theory,
Vol.1, pp. 299-312, 2005 |
‘“Capital Accumulation Games
with a Non-Concave Production Function” (with Engelbert J.
Dockner) |
Journal of Economic
Behavior & Organization,
Vol.57, pp. 408-420, 2005 |
‘“Stability of Stochastic
Optimal Growth Models: a New Approach” (with John Stachurski) |
Journal of Economic
Theory, Vol.122. pp. 100-118, 2005 |
‘“Intertemporal Complementarity
and Optimality”, (with Tapan Mitra) |
International Economic
Review, Vol.46, No.1, pp. 93-131, 2005 |
‘“Asymmetric factor substitutability
and indeterminacy”, (with Alain Venditti) |
Journal of Economics,
Vol.83, No.2, pp. 125-150, 2004 |
‘“Indeterminacy and the
role of factor substitutability”, (with Alain Venditti) |
Macroeconomic Dynamics,
Vol.8, pp. 436-465, 2004 |
‘“Capital depreciation,
factor substitutability and indeterminacy”, (with Alain Venditti) |
Journal of Difference
Equations and Applications, Vol.10, No.13-15, pp. 1153-1169,
2004 |
‘“Working and Training:
A Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Human Capital Development”,
(with Tadashi Yagi and Makoto Yano) |
The Japanese Economic
Review, Vol.55, No.2, pp. 119-140, 2004 |
‘“Strategic Growth”, (with
Engelbert Dockner) |
Journal of Difference
Equations and Applications, Vol.10, No. 5, pp. 515-527,
2004 |
‘“Optimal Topological Chaos
in dynamic Economies”, (with Tadashi Shigoka and Makoto Yano) |
Proceedings of the Sixth
International Conference on Difference Equations Augsburg,
Germany 2001, pp. 189-198, 2004, CRC press, London |
‘“Studying Mathematics and
University Education, Labor Income and Career Promotion Empirical
Analysis on the “Survey on the Effects of Education at Departments
of Economics in Japanese Universities on Career Formation”
(with Junichi Hirata, Junko Urasaka, Tadashi Yagi) |
Social System Studies,
The Institute of Social System Ritsumeikan University, No.7,
1-24, 2003 |
‘“Working on the brain and
rationality in economic behaviour”, (with Yoshikazu Tobinaga) |
Proceeding of the IJCNN
2003 (The 2003 International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks by the International Neural Network Society and
the IEEE Neural Networks Society), pp. 2604-2608, 2003 |
‘"Trade and Indeterminacy
in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model", (with Koji
Shimomura) |
Journal of Economic
Theory, 105, pp. 244-259, 2002 |
‘"Indeterminacy and
Cycles in Two-Sector Discrete-Time Models", (with Jess
Benhabib and Alain Venditti) |
Economic Theory, 20, pp. 217-235, 2002 |
‘"Intersectoral Externalities
and Indeterminacy", (with Alain Venditti) |
Journal of Economic
Theory, 105, pp. 140-157, 2002 |
‘"Indeterminacy in a Dynamic small open economy", (with Koji Shimomura) |
Journal of Economic
Dynamics and Control, 27(2), pp. 271-281, 2002 |
of Equilibrium Strategies in a Class of Difference Games",
(with Engelbert Dockner) |
Journal of Difference
Equations and Applications, 7(6), pp. 915-926, 2001 |
‘"Capital Depreciation
and Indeterminacy in Two-Sector Economies", (wth Alain
Venditti) |
Economic Theory,
Dynamics and Markets: Essays in Honor of Ryuzo Sato, edited
by Takashi Negishi, Rama Ramachandran and Kazuo Mino, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, pp. 189-197, 2001 |
‘"Equilibrium Growth
and Nonlinear Dynamics in Continuous Time Models" |
The Japanese Economic
Review, 52, pp. 1-19, 2001 |
‘"Discounting and
Long-Run Behavior: Global Bifurcation Analysis of a Family
of Dynamical Systems", (with Tapan Mitra) |
Journal of Economic
Theory, 96, pp. 256-93, 2001 |
‘"Chaotic Equilibrium
Dynamics in Endogenous Growth Models", (with Michele
Boldrin, Tadashi Shigoka, and Makoto Yano) |
Journal of Economic
Theory, 96, pp. 97-132, 2001 |
‘”Indeterminacy Under Constant
Returns to Scale in Multisector Economies”, (with Jess Benhabib
and Qinglai Meng) |
Econometrica, 68, pp. 1541-48, 2000 |
‘"Dynamical Systems
Arising from Infinite Time Horizon Optimization Models",
(with Alain enditti) |
Journal of Differential
Equations and Applications, 6, pp. 753-73, 2000 |
‘"Indeterminacy Arising
in Multisector Economies", (with Jess Benhabib) |
The Japanese Economic
Review, 50, pp. 485-506, 1999 |
‘"Non-linear Dynamics
in the Infinite Time Horizon Model", (with Gerhard Sorger) |
Journal of Economic
Surveys, 13, pp. 619-652, 1999 |
‘"Chaotic Equilibria
in a Small Open, Ovelapping-Generations Economy with Child-Parent
Externality", (with Koji Shimomura) |
Review of International
Economics, 7, 484-492, 1999 |
‘"Transboundary Pollution
in a Dynamic Game Model", (with Engelbert Dockner) |
The Japanese Economic
Review, 50, pp. 443-456, 1999 |
‘"Nonlinear Dynamics
in the Cournot Model without Full Information", (with
Daniel Leonard) |
Annals of Operations
Research, 89, pp. 165-173, 1999 |
‘"Markov Perfect Equilibria
for a Class of Capital Accumulation Games," (with Engelbert
Dockner and Manfred Plank) |
Annals of Operations
Research, 89, pp. 215-230, 1999 |
‘"Indeterminacy and
Sunspots with Constant Returns," (with Jess Benhabib) |
Journal of Economic
Theory, 81, pp. 58-96, 1998 |
‘"Interior Optimal
Chaos with Arbitrarily Low Discount Rates," (with T.
Shigoka and M. Yano) |
The Japanese Economic
Review, 49, pp. 223-233, 1998 |
‘"The Role of Capital
Depreciation in Multi-sectoral Models," (with G. Baierl
and M. Yano) |
Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization, 33, 467-479, 1998 |
‘"Endogenous Growth,
Trade and Specialization under Variable Returns to Scale:
The Case of a Small Open Economy," (with N.V. Long and
K. Shimomura) |
Dynamics, Economic Growth
and International Trade, ed. by B. Jensen and K. Wong,
Michigan University Press, 1997 |
‘"Optimal Cycles and
Chaos: A Survey," (with Gerhard Sorger) |
Studies in Nonlinear
Dynamics and Econometrics, 1, pp. 11-28, 1996 |
‘"On the Least Upper
Bound of Discount Factors that are Compatible with Optimal
Period-Three Cycles," (with Makoto Yano) |
Journal of Economic
Theory, 69(2), pp. 306-333, 1996 |
‘"Chaotic Solutions
in Dynamic Linear Programming," (with M. Yano) |
Chaos, Solitons and
Fractals, 7, pp. 1191-1953, 1996 |
‘"External Debt Cycles," (with
Michihiro Ohyama) |
Journal of Structural
Change and Economic Dynamics, 6, pp. 215-236, 1995 |
‘"Non-linear Dynamics
and Chaos in Optimal Growth: An Example" (with Makoto
Yano) |
Econometrica, 63, pp. 981-1001, 1995 |
‘"Non-linearity and
Business Cycles in a Two Sector Equilibrium Model: An Example
with Cobb-Douglas Production Functions," (with Makoto
Yano) |
Nonlinear and Convex
Analysis in Economic Theory, ed. by T. Maruyama and
W. Takahashi, pp. 231-245, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995 |
‘"Durable Capital
and Chaos in Competitive Business Cycles," (with Makoto
Yano) |
Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organizations, 27, pp. 165-181, 1995 |
‘"Social Capital as
Public Goods and Oscillatory Behaviour," (with Makoto
Yano) |
Ricerche Economiche, 48,
pp. 185-193, 1994 |
‘"Ergodic Chaos in
Optimal Growth Models with Low Discount Rates," (with
Gerhard Sorger and Makoto Yano) |
Economic Theory , 4,
pp. 705-717, 1994 |
‘"Optimal Chaos, Nonlinearity
and Feasibility Conditions," (with Makoto Yano) |
Economic Theory, 4,
pp. 689-704, 1994 |
‘"Optimal Chaos When
Future Utilities are Discounted Arbitrarily Weakly," (with
Makoto Yano) |
Researches in Nonlinear
Analysis and Mathematical Economics, Lecture Note
Series, Institute of Mathematical Analysis, Kyoto University, 1993 |
‘"Interlinkage in
the Endogenous Real Business Cycles of International Economies," (with
Makoto Yano) |
Economic Theory , Vol.3, pp. 151-168, 1993 |
‘"Endogenous Real
Business Cycles and International Specialization," with
Makoto Yano |
Theory, Policy and Dynamics
in International Trade, ed. by W.Ethier, E.Helpman
and P.Neary, Cambridge University Press,1993 |
‘"Endogenous Fertility
and Growth," (with Jess Benhabib) |
General Equilibrium,
Growth and Trade II, ed. by M.Boldrin, R.Becker, R.Jones
and W.Thomson, Academic Press, 1993 |
‘"Factor Intensity
and Hopf Bifurcations," (with Harutaka Takahashi) |
Optimal Control Theory
and Economic Analysis 4, ed. by G.Feichtinger, pp. 135-149,
North-Holland, 1992 |
‘"Business Cycles
and Complex Non-Linear Dynamics," (with Makoto Yano) |
Chaos, Solitons and
Fractals, Vol.2, pp. 95-102, 1992 |
‘"Stochastic Equilibrium Oscillations," (with Jess Benhabib) |
International Economic
Review, Vol.30, No.1, pp. 85-102, 1989 |
‘"On Endogenous Cycles
in Discrete Time Optimal Growth Models," (with Jess
Benhabib) |
Optimal Control and
Economic Analysis III, ed. by G.Feichtinger, North
Holland, pp. 3-10, 1988 |
‘"On the Aggregated
Growth Models with Non-Concave Production Function," (with
Takahiro Miyao) |
Optimal Control and
Economics Analysis III, ed., by G.Feichtinger, North
Holland, pp. 303-310, 1988 |
‘"The Dynamics of
Efficient Intertemporal Allocations with Many Agents, Recursive
Preferences nd Production," (with Jess Benhabib and
Saqib Jafray) |
Journal of Economic
Theory, Vol.44, pp. 301-320, 1988 |
‘"Global Equilibrium
Dynamics with Stationary Recursive Preferences," (with
Jess Benhabib and Mukul Majumdar) |
Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organizations, Vol.8, pp. 429-452, 1987 |
‘"Competitive Equilibrium
Cycles," (with Jess Benhabib) |
Journal of Economic
Theory, Vol.35, pp. 284-306, 1985 |
‘"Cyclical Input Demand
and Adjustment Cost Theory of Investment," (with Jess
Benhabib) |
Non-linear Models of
Fluctuating Growth, ed. by Goodwin, Kruger and Vercelli,
Springer-Verlag, 1984 |
‘"Impatience and Accumulation," (with
Michael Magill) |
Journal of Mathematical
Analysis and Application, Vol.98, pp. 270-281, 1984 |
‘"A Path of Optimal
Economic Development," (with Jess Benhabib) |
Keio Economic Review,
Vol.XX, No.1, 1984 |
‘"Optimal Development
Strategies in a Labor-Surplus economy with Scale Effects," (with
Takahiro Miyao) |
Environments and Planning
A, Vol.15, pp. 1151-1159, 1983 |
‘"A Complete Characterization
of Optimal Growth Paths in an Aggregated Model with a Non-Concave
Production Function," (with Davis Dechert) |
Journal of Economic
Theory, Vol.31, pp. 332-354, 1983 |
‘"Stability of Equilibrium
in Dynamic Models of Capital Theory," (with Jess Benhabib) |
International Economic
Review, Vol.22, No.2, pp. 275-293, 1981 |
‘"The Exclusion of
Boundary Equilibria," |
International Economics
Review, Vol.22, No.2, No,.243, 1981 |
‘"Existence of Nash
Equilibrium in n-Person Games without Quasi-Concavity," (with
James Friedman) |
International Economic
Review, Vol.22, No.3, pp. 637-648, 1981 |
‘"Kuhnfs Intensity
Hypothesis Revisited, " |
Review of Economic Studies,
Vol.XLIII, pp. 351-354, 1981 |
‘"On the Shape of
the Single-Country and World Commodity-Substitution and Factor-Substitution
Under Conditions of Joint Production," (with Murray
Kemp et.al.) |
Journal of International
Economics, Vol.10, pp. 395-404, 1980 |
‘"The Hopf Bifurcation
and the Existence and the Stability of Closed Orbits in Multi-Sector
Models of Economic Growth," (with Jess Benhabib) |
Journal of Economic
Theory, Vol.21, pp. 421-444, 1979 |
‘"On the Uniqueness
Theorems by Arrow and Hahn," |
Journal of Economic
Theory, Vol.21, No.2, pp. 348-352, 1979 |
‘"A Further Remark
on the Number of Equilibria of an Economy," |
International Economic
Review, Vol.19, No.3, pp. 679-685, 1978 |
‘"On the Existence
Proofs of General Equilibria," |
The Economic Studies
Quarterly, Vol.29, No.3, pp. 276-281, 1978 |