Endogenous Growth in Asia : Theory and Evidence
Date: February 19 - 20, 2000
Place: Nijimakaikan

February 19 
■Session 1 
Chair: Eden Yu ( Chinese University of Hong Kong ) 
■Endogenous Growth with Accumulable Infrastructure: The Case of Free Infrastructural Services 
Dipankar Dasgupta ( Indian Statistical Institute ) 
■Indeterminacy in a Two-Sector Small Country Model with Marshallian Externality 
Kazuo Nishimura ( Kyoto University ) and *Koji Shimomura ( Kobe University ) 
■Session 2 
Chair: Takahiro Miyao ( International University ) 
■Financial Liberalization in Taiwan 
Sheng-Cheng Hu ( Academia Sinica ) 
■Financial Liberalization in Korea 
Choong Yong Ahn ( Chung-Ang University ) 
■Recent Economic Transformation in Hong Kong 
Eden Yu ( Chinese University of Hong Kong ) 
■What is the Center for the Study of Complex Economic Systems? 
Kazuo Nishimura ( Kyoto University ) 

February 20 
■Session 3 
Chair: Choong Yong Ahn 
■On the Dynamics of Monetary Endogenous Growth Models 
Chong-Kee Yip ( Chinese University of Hong Kong ) 
■Financial Development, Credit Rationing and Economic Growth 
Been-Lon Chen ( Academia Sinica ) 
■Session 4 
Chair: Sheng-Cheng Hu ( Academia Sinica ) 
■Patent Length and Economic Growth 
Kazuo Mino ( Kobe University ) 
■Optimal Tax Policy and Endogenous Growth with Federal Redistributive Transfers 
Hyun Park ( Kyung Hee University and Essex University ) 
■Session 5 
Chair: Shinichi Fukuda ( Tokyo University ) 
■Dynamics of Income Distribution 
Li Hongyi, *Danyang Xie ( Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ), and Heng-fu Zou 
■Clean Air or Sport Car? A Model of Pollution and Growth with Cooperative Settlement 
Chia-Ying Chang, Chien-Chieh Huang and Ping Wang (Vanderbilt University ) 
■A Hirschian Growth Process 
Basant Kapur ( National University of Singapore ) 