Lessons from Economic Growth in East AsiaLessons from Economic Growth in East Asia
Date: March 18 - 19, 1997
Place: Kyoto Royal Hotel, Japan

March 18@
¡Opening speeches@
Takamitsu Sawa ( Kyoto University )@
¡Morning Session@
Chair: Yutaka Horiba ( Tulane University and Osaka University)@
¡Globalization and Economic Development of Newly Industrializing Areas in East Asia@
Mitsuo Ezaki ( Nagoya University )@
¡Convergence, the Trade-development Nexus and fEast Asian Growthf@
Henry Wan ( Cornell University )@
¡Afternoon Session@
Chair: Hiroaki Hayakawa ( Chubu University )@
¡On the Welfare Significance of National Product for Economic Growth and Sustainable Development@
Tapan Mitra ( Cornell University )@
¡The Economics of Child Labour@
Kaushik Basu ( Cornell University )@

March 19@
¡Morning session@
Chair: Santiago Roca ( ESAN )@
¡Does East Asian Miracle have any Lessons for India?@
Mukul Majumdar ( Cornell University )@
¡Economic Development in South East Asian Countries: Theory and Evidence@
Rosalind Chew ( Nanyang Technological University )@
¡Afternoon Session@
Chair: Masahisa Fujita ( Kyoto University )@
¡Population, Natural Resource and Economic Development in Thailand 1970-1990@
Kitti Limsakul ( Chulalongkorn University )@
¡Patterns of Trade and Growth under Increasing Returns and the Poverty Trap@
Swapan Dasgupta (Dalhousie University )@